Forum is a platform for group processing and conflict management that creates an environment of mutual trust and respect. Participants in forum are able to speak their minds honestly and truthfully due to the high level of confidentiality applied. The experience also ensures team support, responsibility and accountability; people learn that they’re not alone in their problems and they have a group of people that will follow-up and help them achieve their goals.
Amirror is able to help apply the Forum concept to a number of different settings:
Forum in business, to create alignment within a work team.
Forum in family, to deepen communication and build relationships.
Forum for alumni, to leverage networks and maintain support.
Forum for mentoring, to build connections and encourage growth.
Impact Forums, to encourage meaningful social action.
Forum for all, to bring Forum to any group of people with a shared purpose.
Click here to read more of Dr. Amir Kfir's thoughts about the transformative power of Forum and the impact it can have.